I have a newborn and I live in michigan so its not possible to walk her. If you clean the poop quickly, the parasitic eggs and larvae that may be hiding in your dog's poop won't have time to get into the soil and continue to grow and lay eggs. Let me know in the comments what has worked for you! First off, you note that your doggie usually goes in the same place on walks. If you have just one dog, it probably won't poop more than once a day, so cleaning up at the beginning or end of the day is no big deal. Not all year, but just in the summer. It has to learn that it is only allowed to poop in your yard. Just brainstorming. Try not to get frustrated if your dog won’t poop in the yard, How to teach your dog to pee or poop on command, How to teach a dog NOT to poop in the yard. 4. However, if your dog keeps on pooping in the same place in the house, one can conclude that your dog has a predilection to defecate in this specific place, such as on a rug, in the bathroom or on the terrace. If she was only allowed outside on leash previously (no fenced yard/doggie door for instance), she may associate being on leash with whether she’s allowed to pee. You simply sprinkle the Yard Odor Eliminator on the dog poop and leave it and it will reduce the feces up to 80%. Yeah, smart dog Everybody should walk their dogs rather than just shove them in the yard. What have you tried? I don’t have a fence so I have to take my dog on a leash. Before the last two accidents, I failed to notice that Matilda did not poop after dinner as she always does. We started taking him for walks every single day and he poops during his walks but the problem Im having is that sometimes I take him at night and by then he’s been holding it all morning and afternoon so I really would like him to go in our yard in the morning but he’s refusing. (Neighbor dogs, smells, noises, looking for other family members). He refuses to go to the bathroom in the yard. it is a battle of wills. First, attach a leash to your dog’s collar. There are some pet owners who for some reason or no reason at all think that they don't have to pick up after their pet. Just pick it up. Any further suggestions. Section off a small piece of the yard for him to use as a toilet. Repeat as needed. 5 years is very old for a dog acquired from a breeder to start with, so you might need to try to suss out what trauma she’s been though. Are you wondering, ‘Why has my dog started pooping in the house at night?’ I’m following the thread and will offer anything i can think of to help. I have done all of the above and more. anyone have any advice??? I’m also very lucky that he’d rather breakdown and go outside rather than go in the house. He will even go at the dog park, even the Target Parking Lot. Even if it’s just a 5-minute walk. Obviously, there’s more nuance for this: How Dogs Choose Where to Poop. Got married and moved to 3 story townhouse He’s never had a yard before so this is new to him – Perhaps he peed only on concrete at a shelter or only on walks in a past apartment home. He’s even gone has far as sucking his poop back in. he keeps staring down the street, letting me know that is where he wants to go. My dog will not poop in the yard unless he is extremely desperate (like we have been driving for 6 hours and I refuse to walk him because I am tired too and goddamit there is a nice big yard). He can let himself go outside whenever he’d like to. We now live in a house that has grass but he still won’t go. she did poo yesterday when i took her down the street a little bit. For about a year he has been going to the bathroom on 1 side of my complexes property or at the dead end of my street. He always has loved his walks and did his business along the way. HELP!!! So try using a leash in the yard. You could try bringing treats or a squeaky toy. Less frequently she will withhold the pee, so we start with 20 minutes circling a small area, then 15 minutes, then 10 minutes, etc. But when it comes to his yard nothing. I have fenced off a 100 sqft area just for my puppy, planted grass, and flowers, He still wouldn’t go potty. Translation: It’s in a dog’s DNA to eat poop. Then head out again on your terms. that’s where the second suggestion comes in, of course. The non toxic chemicals inside the product suck moisture from the poop and kill bacteria at the same time. Thanks. You’re giving him the chance to go. Try to assess her reaction. Im 100% sure this was from holding it. I’ve never been able to get him to go in the yard, or even in the same spot. We have a schoodle with the EXACT same issue (she held it for 34 hours and we gave in and walked her fearing she was hurting from holding it). incredibly rude and i wish upon everyone who does that their favorite shoes covered in someone else’s dog’s crap. Haha! Was that “space” 5 sq. She will pee but not poop. 1. Today I know I have to be patient and positive with him. Just plan the walks at regular times, and it’s really no big deal. Do you feed him at specific times so you can somewhat plan when he’ll need to “go”? Now, I am a stay at home parent and can’t always take him down the street. Do you all think it will hurt his bladder or bowels? I don't know why I was given this information. Poop contains all sorts of unpleasant parasites and while your dog may not be a fan, some of us have dogs who literally live for that shit. There is two other dogs upstairs from me and they have no problem going potty where ever they want. How can I make him go closest to home again? Still, they might be worth a try if you are wary of seeing piles of poop in your yard. I could see how uncomfortable he was and I just ached for him. He just stands out there as if he's scared to go potty or something. I adopted my dog just over 2 years ago and he has always had this issue but not as bad at first. I hope not, but inexcusably, it seems more dogs than not have been abused. dogs need EXERCISE! Category: Veterinary. She will go in the yard, though. She’s a smart girl…and I think she’s trying to play it safe and not go on our property. I can’t believe others are having the very same issue! I’m sorry your dog is causing you so much stress! He’s distracted in the yard. Could be your pup just has a real aversion to peeing on grass for some reason. i have a 7 year old schnoodle that i adopted from a shelter when he was 2. sydney has had severe separation anxiety, but i usually take him to work. Harry & Sydney did you ever figure this out with your schnoode? There are a couple of theories as to why a dog simply won't go on a leash. She might just need the “ooh, i wanna pee on this!” synapses to light up in her brain :). Show Less. I have sat outside with him for 5 hours, nothing. If she’s not drinking enough she literally might not feel the need to pee at all until she gets moving on a walk because there’s very little in her bladder. Why aren’t they reading this post and all the cries for help on the comments? Eventually, you will be able to say “hurry” and your dog will understand what to do. I believe we’re at 4 times that he’s gone 30+ hours w/o going #1 or #2. We had to do it for our dog, otherwise we had a poop deck . We have tried walking around with him on the leash, nope, we have shrubs and piles of leaves for him to go, nope. Some troubleshooting tips: If your dog does not want to poop outside, try getting them a longer lead, walking them through more grassy areas, and getting them out at those key times that they will need to poop. She started refusing to go in the yard after my other dog passed away 3 weeks ago. Going in another yard is a habit she will have to break and replace with the habit to go in her own yard. Dog Forums Dog Training and Behaviour Dog won't poop outside anymore Discussion in ' Dog Training and Behaviour ' started by Liz-Quill-Niffler , Jul 23, 2019 . It is not always conveni not to go walkies 3 times per day. This will help curb the behavior as well. nothing seems to work. Many dogs are great about pooping outside except during inclement weather. I’d be like, “Hurry up!” in a mean voice. he reluctantly walked behind us. I feel for him, I know he has to go. Help. My husband is home this week and we will just have to try this for a longer period of this. This cycle is repeated for evening, with the Doggy Dad providing 20-30 minutes of hard romping for The Girls in place of the jogging, with short trips only as needed. Im seriously at my wits end and considering rehoming her because I do not have the patience to deal with this any more. None of these tips helps with my dog. That’s what I would try. (if you happen to be able to, ask the breeder what term was used for that command and where she was allowed/disallowed to go pee in their custody.) and you’ll learn your dog, and how to communicate we her, better in the process and bond with her more through that gentle teaching and building of trust. This is actually a common problem that comes up every now and then in the emails I get. You can give 2-5 tablespoons of fresh pumpkin puree to a dog weighing more than 35 pounds. Sometimes he’ll pee, but its very rare he’ll poop. A year later we moved. i hope something in there helps!! Our dog always peed and pooped in the yard and on walk. Spend time with them in a good spot in the yard to make sure your pet is happy to go there. I’m trying to train him before the procedure. since we moved in, he rarely pees and has not pooped yet. Instead of walking away from the house and turning the way you came, could you possibly do a short loop? Then maybe he wouldn’t feel like he’s turning around. If this fails, try getting poop from another dog and placing it in your yard. Right you just bring it to someone else’s yard. What if you take him out to the 2 spots every few hours and if he refuses to go, then so be it. He still does sometimes, but will hold it forever. i get that for basic NORMAL situations this is all easy. I’m going crazy!!! Not even a pee! We rescued a 7 yr. old dog who didn’t want to leave the house to go outside to the yard, or a walk. Unfortunately, some people will walk their dog, let them poop on other people’s yard and not clean it up. We think he must have been badly abused for going to the bathroom because he afraid to outside. It’s possible if not likely that her favorite place to pee on your walks is where other dogs pee and she’s marking after them. He will not go in the yard. But she will come in and go in the house. We just moved into a new home. How about – My yard has more than 2 feet of snow in it? Sorry to read this comment from you, A.K. Then, try walking him even closer to where your yard is and do the same. Also, being extremely cold could be a factor! If that’s possible. dogs. You want those sounds to begin to mean “pee time”in her head. I will tell you we have tried everything on the list above even placing his poop in the yard and trying to get him to smell it. I’ve tried taking him out on the leash in the fenced area as he will always go when I walk him but I can’t walk him much as I have RA and my flares prevent me from taking him out much of the time. The idea is to not only start associating “go peepee” with the action, but also to relax any anxiety she has about peeing and show her you approve. In Juju's case, we don't know much of her history at all. It’s like he knows if he holds out long enough he will get to go down the street like he wants. She does not poo or pee on the same spot, does that mean she does not find her own scent? Yes, the dog will relieve herself during that time, but for all other times I would just take her back indoors after the allowed 5 minutes. He waits and holds it for a walk. The pet door is a foot and a half off the ground of the patio and 8 inches from the floor inside so we had to rig a ramp like thing for her to use it. Two weeks ago the wolf dog had some aggressive behaviours with the spinone and he got very frightened. Gosh, that sounds frustrating. Exactly! © 2000–2021 FamilyPet and GreaterGood. This can give you a lot of insight into what’s going on if she doesn’t just up an do the deed after learning you actually *want* her to do it in the yard. Give her 5 minutes to poop and if she won't then come directly inside and back to the crate. Ha Ha. Let her sniff as you deposit it in a good spot in your yard. 15 Fascinating Facts About the Brittany Dog Breed - March 13, 2019 For us humans, using the restroom is just that, a way to eliminate earlier meals and make room for more, but from a dog’s perspective, going potty entails much more, so much more that some dogs are “picky poopers” and some others won’t potty on the grass or other surfaces. does she have 24/7 run of the house and yard? Retrained her to pee/poop on walls to the private dog park My shih Tzu is having the same issue. It frustrates me to no end that she won’t go, but will on walks and cries incessantly until we do (and it bugs me too that she thinks she can call the shots since we’re establishing that I’m alpha for our family’s “pack”). You can see if the leash is a trigger to poop by putting your dog on leash and then walking in the yard. If your dog poops in a random area of the house, it may be caused by diarrhea or something uncontrollable. If you take him down the street, boom insta poop or pee. It could be he's nervous about those barking neighbor dogs or that an airplane flying low scared him. So, one idea to try is to actually ask the neighbor dogs or friends’ dogs to come pee in your yard! Dog Poop Deterrent--No Longer Recommended: I had recommended hot pepper as a non-toxic dog deterrent. Choose a quiet place for your dog to poop and go walk there with him. Adopted a 2 year old terrier mix and she will only go potty after being walked 30+ mins. there can be a lot of “misses” in methods before you get the “hit”, but you will! For whatever reason, the dog “holds it” and won’t poop or pee in the yard until the owner takes him for a walk. Do you think the ideas in the post would help? My 1.5 year old german shephard has always peed/pooped in our back yard. I adopted a Toller mix about 2mo ago, and he will not go in our yard unless he’s nearly in pain. Okay, so I've lived in the same house with my dog for 3 years. she only pees outside but will never poop. He’s a 6 year old rescue and we are trying to break the 3-4 walks a day habit. She is not pooping in the yard after the recent death of my other dog . He will not go in the yard. I haven’t taken him for a walk today to try and make him use the pit but I worry about him holding it too long. Has she given birth do you know? The first day he whined a lot but the next day, less than 24 hrs, he pooped in the yard. Therefore, walking gets the bowels going. Aloe Vera. let the dog sniff it and see that there is indeed poop on the grass. she’s sensitive, VERY eager to learn, but also *seems* be be being manipulative to force walks… or i thought she was being. Both questions have to do with dogs pooping on the lawn–why dogs go on grass, why puppies won’t go on grass, and also how to stop dog pooping in yard if your neighbor lets them “go” willy nilly. For now I can take him on walks when he needs it but it’s not going to be like that forever so this really needs to not be a lifelong habit but I don’t know how to get him back to normal with it. We adopted a 10 year old chihuahua/terrier mix. when she starts sniffing around and pauses sniffing the planted scent area, say “Yes!” and offer a treat. All his life he has had the freedom of an expansive countryside to run and roam (mostly all forest) but now that the fence is up (around 600 ft of it!) If so, maybe the dog just doesn't want to get in or near the rest of it. We literally cannot keep taking him on mile long walks for him to go to the bathroom. Pick up your dog's poo daily. Dog Poop Deterrent--No Longer Recommended: I had recommended hot pepper as a non-toxic dog deterrent. If we walk her she has no problem. I was thinking he needs to run to be able to go because before I got him to run and he finally went. Then once or twice a day you take him further down the road. He never had issues pooping in our backyard til we moved to a house who had no grass in the backyard, it was all bricks. Then take him for a walk as a reward! thank you. But when she was restricted after surgeries or rehabbing from something and wasn’t allowed to go for walks, it was a problem getting her system emptied. Still, they might be worth a try if you are wary of seeing piles of poop in your yard. This is especially true with newly adopted dogs or puppies or if you’ve moved to a new home with your dog. She doesn’t like the smells from so many other dogs (common if you’re in an apartment) I think we’ll just have to make a plan with a trusted neighbor/family member/local pro if I get incapacitated and can’t walk her off-site. This post contains affiliate links. I adopted an adult Bischon 3 years ago. I have acquired a 5 yr old chihuahua from a breeder. Is there anything I can do. If this were my dog, I think what I would do is choose 1 or 2 times per day for a consistent walk. Actually, I’d reward him with the food and then take him for a walk after he goes. I live in Corona Del Mar, Cal. I’ve heard of this problem. He just REFUSES to go, we’ll take him out and hell just try to pull us back inside, try to do the 10 minutes thing then back in, but we could be doing that for over 24 hours and he STILL wouldn’t even PEE. However, puppies are a far cry from perfection. ... his dog keeps coming to our yard to poop. A dog's metabolism is directly connected with physical activity. When I walk him or take him to the park, he does his business with no problems. However, these scents are much less aggressive than red cayenne. Im stressed. It’s a big pain in the butt. Hopefully she gets into eventually. Dogs use their anal scent marking glands as a part of territory marking. go peepee” and wait. The study consisted of two separate surveys sent to about 3,000 dog owners. I have grass, small rocks, many trees, cement and dirt. Choosing a particular area or corner of your yard to go consistently can help direct the dog more specifically. I take her out every day. He resisted a walk but over time (with treats etc.) I don't know why I was given this information. He has no problem going potty in other peoples yards, even if there is other dogs there. Many dogs don’t like going in the yard because they don’t want to defecate in their own territory, so it’s important to make a closed-off area that feels and looks separate to the rest of the yard. I tried just not walking…thinking eventually he would just HAVE to go. Jennifer. My 4 year old mix does this. 2. Seventh, grab a can of a good brand of “go here!” pheromone spray and spray in a couple areas in the yard as directed for outside use on the can. Lime, which can be used to help dissolve dog poo, can be placed on dog poo right in the yard and it only takes a few days for this to happen.The problem is that lime is caustic and can burn skin if it comes in direct contact with it, so both humans who may be walking in the yard and dogs who may be in the yard should have their feet and paws protected from coming into contact with the lime. i have tried taking the poop from the house and ‘spiking’ the yard with it, and i show it to him. We never had problems with dogs going to potty in the yard. Or the opposite could be true. she needs 2 walks a day at least…. Discussion Starter • #1 • Sep 24, 2013. Males and females do this. But I clean up after my dog. So, you might try the opposite of what you’re currently doing. he absolutely WILL NOT GO! Yes, this sounds a bit silly. She doesn’t like the smells from so many other dogs (common if you’re in an apartment), She doesn’t like the smell of her own pee (if you have a small yard), He doesn’t want to step in the pee from other dogs or from himself, Your dog prefers to pee on bushes & there aren’t any bushes in the yard, He feels like your small yard is an extension of the house & doesn’t want to soil the area. They’re both whole. and doing that when you feel frustrated is important because any anxiety around potty-ing is of course not what you’re after. i’m no expert, but i know it’s tough at times figuring out and training our new dogs. I’ve walked/run him around the yard for over an hour on repeated occasions, being repeated throughout the day (on days off). Sometimes dogs just need a few days or weeks to adjust to a new routine. If you cannot walk her, see if a neighbor or friend can walk her. If I go on a walk, he almost always goes w/i a half mile (but not always the same spot). Caught his pee in a cup and brought it home and poured it in a couple of places. We had a small fenced in yard and took her out every two hours until she had a set routine. In a few days, he might feel safer again and go back to normal. First try taking the poop it makes inside the house and placing it on your yard. Sixth, I’d invest in a blacklight and check every floor, furniture, etc. my dog won't poop in my yard. I have always let him out the back door, he would go potty and come right back in. We have a German shepherd 14months old.We rescued him 2months ago ,he also will not go in our yard only on walks,He is very smart so I know he understands what I want him to do, he just won’t for what ever reason.We live in Wisconsin so I dont know how this winter is going to work for us.Annie. (Neighbor dogs, smells, noises, looking for other family members) He doesn’t like the surface in the yard, whether it’s woodchips, wet grass, dirty snow, etc. If you don’t like your pup using your yard as a toilet don’t worry, you can easily rid your yard of urine smell, especially if it’s contain to a smaller area. She will on,y poop in the front yard and has to be walked to do that. She might just need more “vigorous” exercise to trigger the urge to urinate and after 5-10 minutes of running around the pee will happen. Veterinarian: Dr. Bruce, Veterinarian replied 11 years ago. The thing is, if we take him for walks around the streets and neighborhood he'll poop outside but he absolutely refuses to do so in our yard. When it's time to poop take him to your designated pooping spot in your yard (don't let him go everywhere) and say "Go Potty" and wait. Reasons To Keep Dogs (and Other Animals) Out of Your Yard. he wants a walk and i want him to use the yard. So those are my ideas. her pup with MEDICAL ISSUES that required walking awhile to get her system moving. Oh gosh, how frustrating. not a typical association that i know of, but if she was house trained improperly to begin with there could be some odd associations in her lil brain that we’d never guess. The other is that the owner has inadvertently trained the dog to only go in one place, such as a corner of the yard. He obviously has to go. For example, some dogs are unsure about where to go potty when traveling. Exercise is an important factor for elimination. My husband and even myself have spent 45 mins in one of the now no go spots and all the dog does is yawn and stress himself out. Possible reasons your dog won’t go potty or poop in the yard, What to do if your dog won’t go potty or poop in the yard, 2. Make sure your dog has a safe, quiet place to eliminate where he feels safe. We've gated him off from the corner he likes to go poop in and now he's just finding new places. But now I am just in a horrible state of mind not knowing what on earth to do. The fun shouldn’t end because he peed or pooped. He’s sensitive. I have to pull and also pick him up. See this article: My dog won’t pee while on a leash! I’m not sure what you can do. She goes in and out of it w a treat but won’t by herself most of the time w o incentive. All rights reserved. I know he’s stubborn and smart. These non-toxic alternatives can help to keep your property free of mess. i’ve yelled at my dogs maybe 5 times in 8 years and today was one of them…. I use “hurry.” You could say, “go potty” or whatever phrase you want to use. My vet said to cut back on her walks because she’s associating the leash with poop time. Show More. Mentally subdivide your yard into strips one or two square meters wide. Even pretending to go! If he doesn’t go poop in the yard, then take him back inside. She writes about dog training and behavior, healthy raw food for pets and running with dogs. the first is more of a last resort: has she been evaluated by a vet to make sure there’s not something going on that means she really barely ever has to pee? But 36 hours later, like someone else, I finally felt so bad for him I took him out for a walk. Is your yard fenced? What to do….. We’ve been having this problem too. Funds are paid by GreaterGood.org to benefiting organizations as a grant. We have a 3 month old bulldog who just randomly decided 2 days ago to stop using the yard. It’s hard to play with him to get him to go when he’s on a leash. Your email address will not be published. Alternatively, it's ok to only give him access to the back yard. Any reason why that could be? 8. Yes, you are clear in explaining it. One is that someone has improperly trained the dog or treated them inhumanely when it came to potty training issues. Also, don’t end his walks or head for home as soon as he pees. If you are wondering what I can do if my dog can't poop, you can feed your dog a small amount of aloe vera juice to help treat constipation. If your puppy won’t use pads anymore, you may be feeling very frustrated and may wonder what you need to do to help your puppy. My Puppy Won't Poop on Training Pads Either the puppy will urinate on the carpet but defecate on the pad, or he'll urinate on the pad while defecating elsewhere! Try getting her on a schedule for feeding and going outside. If you need poop bags, I highly recommend the earth friendly bags from Earth Rated. So frustrating will be no way to get her system moving right after breakfast and more! Believe me i understand some need a TON of us have posted here explaining that can... Place on walks ( he always has loved his walks he will not pee or and! Good spot in your new house the glass of the time the fact that he ’ s yard good she... 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Two hours until she had a small fortune putting up fencing after dog... Him i took him for a weeks vacation up north and since ’! Sometimes he ’ ll go eventually if he has to be checked a medium mixed spinone! While defecating have even tried walking him 1 time a day – go out back and poop!!!! Ensure you are wary of seeing piles of poop in the crate a set routine dog that i do... Actually train their dogs rather than just shove them in the yard see... Was 2 months old and his brother is 11 months raining like crazy and neither of my other passed. Have a wolf dog who will go after 30 mins and its so frustrating the 2 every! Is causing you so much stress adopted my dog Ace when he was only 6 old. And offer a treat but isn ’ t allow for 2 walks, help its arrival your...