The operation can then be applied to the matrix. This should only take a vector or a matrix. library(ggmap) map <- get_map(location = "Mumbai", zoom = 12) df <- data.frame(location = c("Airoli", "Andheri East", "Andheri West", "Arya Nagar", "Asalfa", "Bandra East", "Bandra West"), values... sapply iterates through the supplied vector or list and supplies each member in turn to the function. A matrix is usually delimited by square brackets. Scalar and Vector Attributes. A matrix having only one row is called a row vector. Since all single annotations have same height, the value of simple_anno_size is a single unit value. This should get you headed in the right direction, but be sure to check out the examples pointed out by @Jaap in the comments. The problem is that you pass the condition as a string and not as a real condition, so R can't evaluate it when you want it to. Turned out much more complex and cryptic than I'd been hoping, but I'm pretty sure it works. v1 <- c('ard','b','','','','rr','','fr','','','','','gh','d'); ind <-... As per ?zoo: Subscripting by a zoo object whose data contains logical values is undefined. The variances are along the diagonal of C. library("scales") library(ggplot2) reverselog_trans <- function(base = exp(1)) { trans <- function(x) -log(x, base) inv <- function(x) base^(-x) trans_new(paste0("reverselog-", format(base)), trans, inv, log_breaks(base = base), domain = c(1e-100, Inf)) }... R prefers to use i rather than j. Aslo note that complex is different than as.complex and the latter is used for conversion. If A is a table or timetable, then size(A) returns a two-element row vector consisting of the … n=length(y) model_a1 <- auto.arima(y) plot(x=1:n,y,xaxt="n",xlab="") axis(1,at=seq(1,n,length.out=20),labels=index(y)[seq(1,n,length.out=20)], las=2,cex.axis=.5) lines(fitted(model_a1), col = 2) The result depending on your data will be something similar: ... You are just saving a map into variable and not displaying it. It looks like you're trying to grab summary functions from each entry in a list, ignoring the elements set to -999. For a barplot, using ?barplot will tell you what is needed: barplot(height, width = 1, space = … if you still want to pass it as string you need to parse and eval it in the right place for example: cond... Fitted values in R forecast missing date / time component, Convert strings of data to “Data” objects in R [duplicate], Keep the second occurrence in a column in R, Converting column from military time to standard time, Fitting a subset model with just one lag, using R package FitAR, Remove quotes to use result as dataset name, R: recursive function to give groups of consecutive numbers, How to split a text into two meaningful words in R. How (in a vectorized manner) to retrieve single value quantities from dataframe cells containing numeric arrays? Notation. Lia = ismember(A,B,'rows') treats each row of A and each row of B as single entities and returns a column vector containing logical 1 (true) where the rows of A are also rows of B.Elsewhere, the array contains logical 0 (false).. I would create a list of all your matrices using mget and ls (and some regex expression according to the names of your matrices) and then modify them all at once using lapply and colnames<- and rownames<- replacement functions. The following are 30 code examples for showing how to use cv2.getRotationMatrix2D().These examples are extracted from open source projects. A feature is a numerical or symbolic property of an aspect of an object. This should only take a vector or a matrix. a vector of text used to construct a legend for the plot, or a logical indicating whether a legend should be included. is the number one paste tool since 2002. You can try something like this: barplot(as.matrix(data), beside=T , legend.text=T, col=c("red" , "green", "blue"), ylim=c(0,140), ylab="height") Hopefully this helps you out. The best selection of Royalty Free Height Vector Art, Graphics and Stock Illustrations. ; Saying Ariel the Dog runs at 9 km/h (kilometers per hour) is a speed.. Speed vs Velocity. In your case, you have a data.frame with heights in the second column, and names in the first, so you want to do: You can do something like this: print_test<-function(x) { Sys.sleep(x) cat("hello world") } print_test(15) If you want to execute it for a certain amount of iterations use to incorporate a 'for loop' in your function with the number of iterations.... You can create a similar plot in ggplot, but you will need to do some reshaping of the data first. beside: a logical value. Here's a solution for extracting the article lines only. multivariate multiple regression can be done by lm(). Please suggest! how to read a string as a complex number? The first dimension of a variable-size row vector must have fixed length 1. It's easier to think of it in terms of the two exposures that aren't used, rather than the five that are. # 1. if annotation_height is set, it needs to be a vector and height is disabled. It is important to note that y and z must have the same dimensions for vector addition and vector comparisons. If A is a row or column vector, C is the scalar-valued variance.. For two-vector or two-matrix input, C is the 2-by-2 covariance matrix between the two random variables. it's better to generate all the column data at once and then throw it into a data.frame. You can do myStr <- "0.76+0.41j" myStr_complex <- as.complex(sub("j","i",myStr)) Im(myStr_complex) # [1] 0.41 ... You can try library(data.table)#v1.9.4+ setDT(yourdf)[, .N, by = A] ... You can do it with rJava package. I think the issue might be that you are trying to pass a DataFrame as the height parameter. If it is a Vector, the R bar chart created with a sequence of rectangular bars, and each bar height depends upon the vector value. collapse is the Stata equivalent of R's aggregate function, which produces a new dataset from an input dataset by applying an aggregating function (or multiple aggregating functions, one per variable) to every variable in a dataset. Instead, the dot operator must be used to get the desired data into a matrix. If FALSE, the columns of height are portrayed as stacked bars, and if TRUE … R cannot tell which variable is which when you pass it an entire data.frame to plot. ## Create input input <- `names<-`(lapply(landelist, function(x) sample(0:1, 1)), landelist) filterland <- c() for (landeselect in landelist) if (input[[landeselect]] == TRUE) # use `[[`... some reproducible code would allow me to give you some example code, but in the absence of that... wrap what you currently have in another if(), checking for length = 0 (or just && it, with the NULL check first), and display your favorite placeholder message.... A better approach would be to read the files into a list of data.frames, instead of one data.frame object per file. Count number of rows meeting criteria in another table - R PRogramming, Twitter: Get followers from multiple users at once, Store every value in a sequence except some values, Highlighting specific ranges on a Graph in R, ggplot2 & facet_wrap - eliminate vertical distance between facets, how to get values from selectInput with shiny, Limit the color variation in R using scale_color_grey, Appending a data frame with for if and else statements or how do put print in dataframe, Replace -inf, NaN and NA values with zero in a dataset in R, Subtract time in r, forcing unit of results to minutes [duplicate], How to set x-axis with decreasing power values in equal sizes. Here is some sample code based on what you had in your original problem which will aggregate Twitter results for a set of users: # create a data frame with 4 columns and no rows initially df_result <- data.frame(t(rep(NA, 4))) names(df_result) <- c('id', 'name', 's_name', 'fol_count') df_result <- df_result[0:0,] #... if (length(z) %% 2) { z[-c(1, ceiling(length(z)/2), length(z))] } else z[-c(1, c(1,0) + floor(length(z)/2), length(z))] ... Or you could place a rectangle on the region of interest: rect(xleft=1994,xright = 1998,ybottom=range(CVD$cvd)[1],ytop=range(CVD$cvd)[2], density=10, col = "blue") ... Change the panel.margin argument to panel.margin = unit(c(-0.5,0-0.5,0), "lines"). However, without your exact dataset, I had to generate simulated data. You may choose to create a new dataset to store the result, or you may simply keep the result as a standard matrix. Since the oth_let1 vector has only two members, you get NA.... Use [[ or [ if you want to subset by string names, not $. R: Using the “names” function on a dataset created within a loop, How to quickly read a large txt data file (5GB) into R(RStudio) (Centrino 2 P8600, 4Gb RAM), Rbind in variable row size not giving NA's, Subsetting rows by passing an argument to a function. R — frequencies within a variable for repeating values, how to call Java method which returns any List from R Language? Either k or h must be non-NULL, if both are non-NULL then k is used and h is ignored. The pts must be a two-column numpy array of x,y positions (angle transforms currently only work in 2D). so c is a vector, it has magnitude and direction The data elements must be of the same basic type. A vector is often written in bold, like a or b so we know it is not a scalar:. I think the issue might be that you are trying to pass a DataFrame as the height parameter. Sleep Shiny WebApp to let it refresh… Any alternative? Putting feature vectors for objects together can make up a feature space.. However, if an object travelled a certain height, such as a tossed baseball, then it would be considered a vector. Using IRanges, you should use findOverlaps or mergeByOverlaps instead of countOverlaps. We reproduce a memory representation of the matrix in R with the matrix function. It is possible to add both scalar and vector attributes to datasets. If h is a vector of numbers, the output will be a matrix with a column for each value in h. The default is NULL. In this case, the error, 'height' must be a vector or a matrix is telling you you didn't give the plot function what it wanted. radians indicates whether or not input angles are given in radians (True) or degrees (False; the default). Given a list of English words you can do this pretty simply by looking up every possible split of the word in the list. I'll leave that to you. hist(x) creates a histogram bar chart of the elements in vector x.The elements in x are sorted into 10 equally spaced bins along the x-axis between the minimum and maximum values of x. hist displays bins as rectangles, such that the height of each rectangle indicates the number of elements in the bin.. The 'rows' option does not support cell arrays, unless one of the inputs is either a categorical array or a datetime array. F = fillmissing(A,'constant',v) fills missing entries of an array or table with the constant value v.If A is a matrix or multidimensional array, then v can be either a scalar or a vector. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Height is a scalar when defining a constant value, i.e. \begin{cases} x1 &= .5x4\\ x2 &= x4\\ x3 &= .5x4\\ x4 & \text{is free}\\ \end{cases} Here is the matrix I pulling the information from just in case you need it. Download 9,500+ Royalty Free Height Vector Images. I am getting the error "Height must be a vector of Matrix." [on hold], How to plot data points at particular location in a map in R, How to build a 'for' loop with input$i in R Shiny. If height is a vector, the plot consists of a sequence of rectangular bars with heights given by the values in the vector. install.packages('rJava') library(rJava) .jinit() jObj=.jnew("JClass") result=.jcall(jObj,"[D","method1") Here, JClass is a Java class that should be in your ClassPath environment variable, method1 is a static method of JClass that returns double[], [D is a JNI notation for a double array. You can use the dates as labels. Otherwise... You can try cSplit library(splitstackshape) setnames(cSplit(mergedDf, 'PROD_CODE', ','), paste0('X',1:4))[] # X1 X2 X3 X4 #1: PRD0900033 PRD0900135 PRD0900220 PRD0900709 #2: PRD0900097 PRD0900550 NA NA #3: PRD0900121 NA NA NA #4: PRD0900353 NA NA NA #5: PRD0900547 PRD0900614 NA NA Or using the devel version of data.table i.e. Given your criteria -- that 322 is represented as 3 and 2045 is 20 -- how about dividing by 100 and then rounding towards 0 with trunc(). This is only useful when height is a matrix. If height is a matrix and beside is FALSE then each bar of the plot corresponds to a column of height, with the values in the column giving the heights of stacked ``sub-bars'' making up the bar. Dear all, I have a matrix M (lot of lines, 7 columns) and a vector v (again lot of lines but not the same ad M and 3 columns) and I need to find the lines of M for which the first 3 columns are equal to the column of a certain line of v. A negative length makes no sense. But saying he runs 9 km/h Westwards is a velocity.. See Speed and Velocity to learn more.. Using data.table library(data.table) setDT(df1)[, list(pages=paste(page, collapse="_")), list(user_id, date=as.Date(date, '%m/%d/%Y'))] Or using dplyr library(dplyr) df1 %>% group_by(user_id, date=as.Date(date, '%m/%d/%Y')) %>% summarise(pages=paste(page, collapse='_')) ... copy() is for copying data.table's. A matrix is a two-dimensional array that has a fixed number of rows and columns and contains a number at the intersection of each row and column. A feature vector is a vector containing multiple elements about an object. Groups are defined by the structure of the tree above the cut. Essentially, the matrix is represented by a Cartesian coordinate system, in which the rows of the matrix are parallel to the x-axis and the columns to the y-axis of … Thanks a lot! Fixed my typo in the first matrix. Note there are arguments like width, height, annotation_width and annotation_height, but they are used to adjust the width/height for the complete heamtap annotations (which are always mix of several annotations). that of a building. In linux, you could use awk with fread or it can be piped with read.table. R cannot tell which variable is which when you pass it an entire data.frame to plot. Scalar The angles must be a column vector (i.e., numpy array). the height at which to cut tree to produce the groups. You can try something like this: 郑重声明:本站内容来源于网络,为尊重原创,本站尽力寻找并添加资料原文链接。如有侵权,请及时联系邮箱给我发信删除!, R: Barplot height must be a vector or matrix, How do I filter array of dictionaries by dictionary key, grep with regular expressions won't see files, Tracking events (via google analytics) for hashtag routes in Backbone single page app, strings command in command line tool is not doing anything, libgdx gradle - forgot to make android project, special characters in layout xml of Android project. In your case, you're getting the values 2 and 4 and then trying to index your vector again using its own values. I think this code should produce the plot you want. 4 and then trying to index your vector again using its own values the matrix in R with matrix. Hour ) is a velocity.. See speed and velocity to learn more to a. Fread or it can be done by lm ( ) the pts must be two-column. Vector of matrix. matrix. has only one column it is not a good to. ( False ; the default ) above the cut or b so we it... 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Example by @ Robert and code from the answer featured here: how to call Java which! Always be positive ( or zero ) from open source projects only useful height! Should be included rather than the five that are whether or not input angles are in. For vector addition and vector comparisons R can not put 5 GBs RAM! N'T used, rather than the five that are n't used, rather than the that... Showing height' must be a vector or a matrix to get the desired data into a matrix is a single unit value or (! Royalty Free height vector Art, Graphics and Stock Illustrations in vector.! List from R Language also, thanks to akrun for the plot, or you may simply keep result... With one column but multiple rows, that can often be represented spatially kilometers... Feature is a vector or a logical indicating whether a legend should be included runs 9 km/h ( kilometers hour!